January Family Recap

I took the past month off social media, for no particular reason, other than I wanted a clear mind and less distraction going into the new year. I did miss family and friend updates and sharing what was going on in our life. I genuinely enjoy sharing about my family, 99% about the kids. We don’t have a lot of family close by and I know they enjoy seeing what we are up to.

I plan to set more and different social media limitations as the year goes on. For February, I am going to do a week on, a week off. I enjoyed how much more present I felt for my family, less distracted in general, and feeling like I had more time to do things I enjoy (like starting to blog again). January wasn’t too eventful in our house, but here are a few things we were up to this last month.

  • Caden is part of cub scouts and participated in the Pinewood Derby. He took home first place in his den. Connor was able to participate in the sibling competiton and took home first place too. I am not sure who had more fun, the boys or their Dad. It was a fun event for the whole family! You can see Carson was there for the snacks.
  • We celebrated Caden’s half birthday with his favorite dessert. Key lime pie!
  • Carson got his exercise riding his wiggle car around the kitchen. It was a cold month so we werent outside much.
  • Caden lost a top front tooth. Where did my baby go?
  • Connor was home from school for a few days since he was considered a close contact. He stayed healthy!
  • Caden taught me how to play chess. It has become a daily competition of him against Mom or Dad. He beats not only me, but his Dad too.
  • I taught the boys how to make homemade egg rolls and crab ragoons. No pictures of the process because it was hard to balance all three helping me, but snapped one of the end product. Caden had skills not only as a sous chef, but as a teacher to his brothers.
  • We ended the month with donuts for breakfast. Something maybe we should do more often. Easy cooking and clean up on this end, and look at those smiles?
What kept you busy in January for your family?
Did everyone stay warm and healthy? Hoping the COVID spike is well on it’s way out.

One Comment

  1. I love all of the pictures! The boy’s are sure growing up fast, too fast!
    I’m glad you had a good January! My month was blah, except when the boy’s were here!
    Looking forward to seeing you all Saturday 🤗🥰

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