Winter Picnic in an Igloo

Winter Picnic in an Igloo

Racine, WI My sister invited us for a winter picnic in an igloo at the Racine Zoo. This was a fun adventure to commemorate New Year’s Eve. The experience started with an animal encounter. The zoologist brought a box turtle to our igloo and we learned about him and could touch his shell. For lunch,…

Santa at The Vine

Santa at The Vine

Grayslake, IL Every holiday season I look forward to our tradition of having lunch with Santa at The Vine. Our family started this tradition the year Caden was born and has continued it every year. My sister and her family join us in the fun. The kids run up to Santa and Mrs. Claus and…

Neighborhood Turkey Trot

Neighborhood Turkey Trot

Grayslake, IL A neighborhood Mom put together a Turkey Trot for anyone in our neighborhood to participate. The older boys had hockey, but Carson and I were able to participate. She made themed race bibs for us and even marked the distances with signs for the 5K. Carson alternated between riding in the stroller, as…

Business Trick or Treat

Business Trick or Treat

Grayslake, IL The boys have matched costumes each year. This year was no different, even without me influencing them. They decided this year they all wanted to be pirates, but have different costumes. One of my favorite traditions of the year is going to our downtown business trick-or-treat. It is during the day and has…

Grayslake Pumpkin Fest

Pumpkin Fest

Grayslake, IL One tradition we have been doing since we had kids in our hometown is the Pumpkin Fest. It’s a fun Thrusday night to celebrate Halloween as a family and community, The event is put on through our park district and includes a bag of goodies for each kid. We all enjoy the hayride,…