Discovery World
Milwaukee, WI
The boys had school off on a Friday so we decided to take a day trip to Milwaukee to visit Discovery World. This was our first time visiting the science and technology center and we were impressed with how interactive the exhibits were. Discovery World is located in downtown Milwaukee on beautiful Lake Michigan.

Automation Everywhere
The first area of the museum that we visited was the Automation Everywhere section. This area included robots, sensors, computers, and machines. The boys were able to make a foam toy using the dream machine.

Physics & You
Next, we headed upstairs to the Physics section where we learned how force controls things. There was a lot of competition between the boys on who could get cars to go further and paper to fly higher.

The aquarium might have been everyone’s favorite part of the museum. The walkthrough tunnel in the Reiman Aquarium was fascinating and mind-boggling. It felt like we were in the lake with the fish!

We were able to touch sting rays and lake sturgeon in the touch tank as they swam past.

The Challenge is a replica of a Great Lakes Schooner that sailed in the 1800’s. We had fun exploring the ship and test-sailing it.

Great Lakes Future
Maybe it’s the geography nerd in me, but the Great Lake Future exhibit was fascinating to explore. It was an interactive exhibit where you learned about the geology and geography of the area while also creating weather patterns from rain to fog.

Overall our time at Discovery World was fun and I think we all learned at least something. Access to the museum off the freeway in downtown Milwaukee was easy to drive to and traffic wasn’t an issue. We easily parked in the museum’s underground parking garage. If you have a few hours in your day and are looking for a different kind of museum to explore, and want something interactive to enjoy, I would recommend Discovery World.
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