Homemade Calzones
I have been craving a delicious calzone for a few weeks. I haven’t been able to find a good spot close to my work to grab one either. Back in the college days my roommates and I would frequently order cheesy greasy calzones from Lukulo’s. They were the best calzone I have had! Since I am not in college anymore, don’t live close to DeKalb, and probably shouldn’t be ordering calzones from Lukulo’s as often now as I did in college (you know that whole metabloism slowing down thing) I decided to cure my craving by making a calzone of my own. You aren’t going to believe how easy they are to make with my recipe.
Homemade Calzones
1 package of Trader Joe’s pizza dough
1/2 C marinara sauce
1 C mozzarella cheese
Toppings of your choice-I did:
1/2 C ground sausage
1/4 C mushrooms
The ingredient that makes these oh so easy.
Let the dough sit out at room temperature for about 15 minutes.
Cut the dough in half and roll and stretch into 2 circles (or what are somewhat circles). Make sure to use enough flour so the dough doesn’t stick.
Preheat oven to 375.
Place on a cookie sheet. Fill each with the marinara, toppings of your choice, and mozzarella. See what I mean about somewhat circle?
Fold over the top dough and tuck the bottom dough over the top around the edges, make sure to pinch closed. Back for 25 minutes or until golden.

Be sure to serve with a side of warm marinara for dipping. This defiantly cured my craving for a calzone. Although it may not have been as good as Lukulo’s from back in the college years this sure was tasty! As an advantage I know this was on the healthier side-less grease, less cheese, and less junk in my trunk! Ha-had to throw that in.
2 Servings (2 large calzones)
673 calories per serving
Where is your favorite place to get a calzone?
What are your favorite “toppings” for a calzone?