March Recap
Looking back at the past month, A lot of fun things were going on. The day or two of warmer temperatures sprinkled in were a nice touch. I can’t wait for more warmth in April.
Ash Wednesday
Lent started, which brought us back to attending church regularly. Connor got ashes twice, once at school and another round at church.

Caden played goalie for the first time in hockey.
We had no idea he was going to be able to play goalie this day, but he had been asking the coach to play the goalie position the last few weeks. My husband played goalie when he was a kid so there was lots of excitement around the game.

A family birthday party to celebrate Dave’s and Sarah’s birthdays.
It’s been a tradition to have a Mexican fiesta with Dave’s family each year to celebrate his birthday. He was born on national margarita day so it seems like a good fit.

All About Me in First Grade
Caden’s class takes turns each week being the star of the classroom. It was his turn!

Mom’s Night at Connor’s Preschool
It was pajamas themed and Connor didn’t want the night to end.

Carson found interesting ways to sleep.
I guess the floor was more comfortable that day?

Caden has his last hockey game at the Mini-Mite level.
He was awarded his biggest trophy yet. It was exciting to have lots of family there to support him.

Connor and I had some 1:1 time.
I took him to his ice skating lessons alone (a rare occasion), we went to lunch, and had Starbucks together.

Caden and Connor each had birthday parties for a classmate.
Caden was pumped for two weeks about having a party to go to (Mr. Social). Connor was invited to his first friend’s birthday party. At first, he was a little hesitant to attend without Caden, but did just fine.

A 60-degree day!
The warmest day of the year to date AND on a Sunday! The sunshine felt amazing.

Caden lost another top tooth.
All I want for Easter are my two front teeth?

We did some of our Easter traditions.
We won’t be at our house for the holiday weekend so we did some of the traditions early.

The two oldest started swimming lessons.
I was surprised by how brave Connor was on the first day.

Connor had his last ice skating lesson.
After being in ice skating lessons for a year and a half he is ready to move on to hockey.

Spring Break
The boys spent Spring Break doing a few fun local things with me. Then they went to their grandparent’s house for the week.