My oldest turned 7!

This year Caden’s birthday fell on a Saturday. That met he was able to celebrate his birthday party with family on his actual day of birth. This year he decided soccer theme! His favorite sport right now.

Our favorite place to order birthday cakes from is Mariano’s. They do an awesome job and the cake tastes amazing. Yellow cake and strawberry filling is our go-to order, you cant go wrong with that choice. The bright blue and green of the cake was just up Caden’s alley.

I am not sure when we started buying pinatas for birthday parties, but now we can’t have a party without one. It brings so much joy to all the kids.

One tradition I remember from my birthday parties growing up (also a July birthday) was opening gifts outside. It’s always great weather by the end of the day when we are ready to open and gives everyone space so they don’t have to necessarily sit and watch each present being opened.

I always try to get a family photo before opening gifts, otherwise, we generally forget. The pictures in the background are small retro prints I get printed each year for the party and then put in the boy’s memory box. They are all photos of the last year of only them in it. It shows how much Caden changed over the last year and all the memories we made.