Open Gym at The Gymnastics Factory
Grayslake, IL
Are you looking for a way for your children to get their energy out and have fun? Gymnastics Facotry in Grayslake offers Open Gym. There is no instruction, no training, just a way to have some unstructured fun. If you enjoy the trampoline parks like us this is another place to add to your list to visit.

Open Gym times are set up according to age. We have attended the slot for children aged six and under. There are a few different obstacle courses set up with skill levels for this age group.

The acro tramp is a favorite of my kids. Generally used often for racing each other.

One of my favorites to enjoy with the kids is the trampoline!

Of course, no gymnastic open gym is complete without a foam pit! Jump in and try to get out. I dare you!

There are multiple ways to work on your balance. There are regular balance beams but they have smaller beams for the younger kids. My three-year-old enjoyed this option.

Not only balance but strength can be tested at Gymnastic Factory. Maybe it is a boy thing, but my kids were continuously challenging themselves at swinging from the rope. Let’s say they beat me with upper body strength.

There are a variety of ways to have fun at Gymnastics Factory. Check the open gym times to see what works for your family. There are weekday time slots and weekends.
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