Outdoor Ice Rink
Grayslake, IL
Living in northern Illinois, our winters have been milder than I remember. I have appreciated getting in more mid-day walks, but that isn’t the best condition for using our local lakes for ice skating. The red flags have been flying for most of our winter.
Thankfully our town has an outdoor ice rink located at Gelatin park. This year they doubled the size of the rink to 3600 square feet. The good thing is that it is refrigerated so it is usable up to 45 degrees.

Being a hockey family, this has been fun for us to have somewhere local to go skating and play hockey.

There are benches set up around the rink to easily put on skates or for spectators who don’t want to get on the ice.

There is an old goal on the ice for those who want to play hockey, just bring your sticks and a puck.

My husband and I have even gone up to the rink without the kids for a little fun.

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