Silver Beach, St Josesph, Mcihigan, Southwest Michigan

Silver Beach

St. Joseph, MI Our favorite beach in Southwest Michigan is Silver Beach. The county-owned beach is located in downtown St. Joesph. This beach is our favorite because of the shallowness the sand bar gives the lake and the ability to walk to various activities from the beach. I recommend this beach to any family, especially…

My oldest turned 7!

My oldest turned 7!

This year Caden’s birthday fell on a Saturday. That met he was able to celebrate his birthday party with family on his actual day of birth. This year he decided soccer theme! His favorite sport right now. Our favorite place to order birthday cakes from is Mariano’s. They do an awesome job and the cake…

This is 37.

This is 37.

Having a birthday on July 5th usually comes along with a few celebrations because of Independence day and just four days before my oldest son’s birthday. I let him have the party. This year my birthday fell on a Tuesday. After having a few days off for the holiday I decided to take the day…

Mother’s Day 10K Race

Mother’s Day 10K Race

Milwaukee, WI I decided for Mother’s Day I wanted to do something I love that I don’t usually have time to do anymore. Race! I signed myself up for the Mother’s Day 10K in Milwaukee and told my family they were going to come to cheer me on. The location was beautiful in Veteran’s Park…