Making Homemade Donuts

Making Homemade Donuts

We made homemade donuts this morning and every time I do, I think of a memory I have from childhood. My grandma would make donuts for my siblings and me when we would sleep over at my grandparent’s house. One time, my sisters and I told my Grandma, with big smiles and sugar on our…

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day

I started the morning helping at Connor’s preschool party. It was fun to get in the classroom and see how my son interacts with other kids in a setting I don’t usually get to be a part of. I think Connor enjoyed playing BINGO the most. These three cuties with some help from their Dad…

January Family Recap

January Family Recap

I took the past month off social media, for no particular reason, other than I wanted a clear mind and less distraction going into the new year. I did miss family and friend updates and sharing what was going on in our life. I genuinely enjoy sharing about my family, 99% about the kids. We…

PLayground Sheboygan Wisconsin

Shaw Family Playground

Sheboygan, WI While visiting Sheboygan this winter we wanted to get outside, but only for a short bit, since it did feel like a tundra. We found a playground that was perfect for our boys to get some fresh air and have a lot to do. The Shaw Family Playground is located within Evergreen Park…

Caprese Salad

Caprese Salad

Honestly I am usually not a huge raw tomato fan. When summer hits it’s a different story, I am ready for a delicious Caprese Salad. Maybe it has something to do with the big chuck of mozzarella cheese that is involved? Give me anything with cheese and it’s good to me đŸ™‚ Caprese Salads are…