Shamrock Shuffle

Shamrock Shuffle

The Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K is the known race in Chicago for the start to Spring, which also means the kick off to running season in the Windy city. My friends and I were discussing maybe they should think of changing the name since it was held almost a month after St. Patrick’s…

Recipe Organization

Recipe Organization

I have been struggling with how to organize my recipes for some time now. A lot of my recipe ideas come from magazines or online. I usually rip out the pages or print the recipe off the web. Then they end up in the unorganized  manilla folder next to my stove. I spend countless hours…

Homemade Calzones

Homemade Calzones

I have been craving a delicious calzone for a few weeks. I haven’t been able to find a good spot close to my work to grab one either. Back in the college days my roommates and I would frequently order cheesy greasy calzones from Lukulo’s. They were the best calzone I have had! Since I…