Shaw Family Playground

Sheboygan, WI

While visiting Sheboygan this winter we wanted to get outside, but only for a short bit, since it did feel like a tundra. We found a playground that was perfect for our boys to get some fresh air and have a lot to do.

The Shaw Family Playground is located within Evergreen Park and is accessible at 2614 Pine Grove Avenue. The park is a fully accessible ADA playground. There are many structures for the kids to play on. One of the boys’ favorite areas was the musical component, which has a covered sun protector, which would be wonderful in the summer months.

The accessible zip line was a neat addition for all three boys. Even my two year old could experience the zip line, unlike other parks with the traditional zip line he is too small for.

Since the playground is located next to Evergreen Park we took a short walk in the woods. It was beautiful with the fresh snow. Our boys must have their Dad’s Minnesota-born blood, because they could have stayed outside in the cold for hours.

Winter in zero degrees or summer in 80 degrees, we think Shaw Family Playground is a great place to burn off energy for the whole family.

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Sheboygan, Wisconsin Family Playground