Summer Road Trip 1st Stop: Charlotte

Charlotte, NC

Our pick for our summer vacation this year was our first family road trip. My sister recently moved to North Carolina with her family so that gave us the idea. In addition, I thought our children were over the hump of bad traveler stage now at 8, 5, and 4 years old.

Discovery Place Science

Our pick for a day of fun in downtown Charlotte while we were there was Discovery Place Science Museum. My kids love science science museums and this was a great place to go for a variety of ages. There were interactive exhibits and fascinating displays that brought science to life.

Outside the Discovery Place Science museum in Charlotte

Upon walking in the cousins snapped a picture by the Marvel exhibit. This was an add-on exhibit that we decided not to pay for since it didn’t seem to fit all our kids ages for interest.

Hulk at Marvel at Discovery Place Science

One of the first exhibits we stopped by was the Kid Science area. There was a lot to play with in this area! The Mazing Airways wind tunnel where you watched colorful scarves whiz through a maze of clear tubes was one of my boys favorites.

Mazing Airways wind tunnel to see colorful scarves whiz through a maze of clear tubes.

The Cool Stuff exhibit was another favorite for us. We learned why things do the things they do through by learning about physical phenomena. Everyone was working together on the Gizmotron to scoop, fill and turn the wheels of this giant contraption. This was fun to watch the teamwork among everyone!

Cool Stuff exhibit at Discovery Place Science

Suffolk Punch

After the Discovery Place Science museum we were more than ready for lunch. We headed to Suffolk Punch Brewing in the South End neighborhood.

Suffolk Punch in Charlotte

We opted to sit outside in the beer garden. Although it was hot the atmosphere was good with children with the picnic table style setup and more space. The overhang covered us from the sun and the adults enjoyed the brews. Cheers!

Suffolk Punch beer garden

Lake Norman State Park

In order to try to miss a big crowd we had planned to go to Lake Norman State Park on a weekday. After grabbing sandwiches from a local grocery store for our beach lunch we headed north to Lake Norman. The namesake lake is the largest manmade lake within the state.

The kids playing at the beach at Lake Norman State Park.

Along with a swimming area that is terrific for kids of all ages there are fun trails and spaces to explore. There is concession stand for buying snacks and convenient bathrooms and showers for removing the sand before heading home.

Exploring at Lake Norman State Park

Cousin Fun

In addition, to seeing some of the sights around Charlotte we enjoyed all being together. The humid, sunny days in August in the state of North Carolina defiantly require a pool and lots of sunscreen!

Swimming in North Carolina heat

On our last night together we went to dinner at Hello Sailor. A fun and retro themed restaurant that is high-end located right on Lake Norman in Cornelius.

A night out for dinner at Hello Sailor on Lake Norman

The last sunset in North Carolina before we left in the morning. We made many great memories with family. It was a great first part to our family’s summer road trip.

Sunset on Lake Norman at Hello Sailor

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Road Trip for our family of five Our first stop was Charlotte, North Carolina.