Super Sunday at the Hockey Rink
Vernon Hills, IL
Regular hockey season for my boys came to an end for the year. It was such a fun and busy season for our family. The Ice Dogs hockey league wrapped the season up with a very existing event called Super Sunday.

To make it feel like the real deal they announced each player’s name with a spotlight, followed by the national anthem.

Then onto the games. My oldest at the Mite level went into overtime. It was such an exciting game because of how close the score was. There was lots of yelling from the crowd! The players and coaches who worked hard all season really got to go out with a bang.

My husband helped coach both teams this season so we were really invested in our time. The boys enjoyed having him out there and he was happy to be back on the ice after many years since he played through high school.

We had to get a family picture to end the season. End of the season, but Spring evaluations start on Tuesday. Hockey never really ends does it?

There was plenty of gear for sale at the event. From hats to sweatshirts to hockey mom shirts. The boys will wear their Super Sunday gear daily if I let them. They keep talking about how awesome of a day it was with their teams.

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