The Quarryman 10 Mile

The slogan of the Advocate Good Samaritan Quarryman 10 mile and 5K race was Challenge Yourself. I can’t think of a better slogan for this challenging race. Those 10 miles were by far the most challenging miles I have ran. The courses went through the hilly historic suburb of Lemont. Having been there over the years to visit David’s sister and brother-in-law who live in downtown Lemont so I knew we were up for some Big hills.

In preparation for the Big day David made us a fully loaded carb dinner. He decided to sign up for the 5K with a couple of our guy friends. When it comes to racing I always think the more the merrier!

After reviewing the weather and hearing there was a better chance for snow than rain I knew it was going to be colder than I would like. Whoever wants to see colder and windier than you would like for the outdoor fitness forecast?!

Race Day Weather

Although it was cold and even snowed during the race I never was cold during the actual race, even though I did have snow pelting at me from miles 7 thru 9.

10 Miler

That finish line was the best site of the day……

Finish Line

…..or maybe it was the quarry rock I received for winning 1st place in my division!

1st Place

My time ended up being 1:22:22 which turns out to be a 8:15 pace. I was blown away by my pace time since 8:15 was the exact pace I had at the last 10 mile race I did at the Perfect 10 race back in November on flat ground. It really showed myself that I have improved since the fall. I didn’t check my pace at all during the race because I was so overwhelmed right from the start by the hills that I didn’t care about time and honestly just wanted to be able to complete the race. Both Stacy and I rocked it with our paces.


Although YES I did make it through the hilly 10 miles and did get an awesome trophy one of the best things about this race was having more of my friends involved. High-fives to everyone below who ran (and supporters who cheered us on and took our lovely pictures)! Who is ready to sign up for another?!


What is the most challenging course you have accomplished?

Quarryman 10 miler, although Door County half marathon was close in the amount of terrifying hills.

What is your favorite weather to run in?

Warm enough for shorts, but not hot-around 60 degrees.

Best trophy or even medal you have received and why?

My Quarryman rock is pretty sweet!


  1. Congrats on your AG win! That “trophy” is pretty sweet!

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